What is the correct posture for a laptop?
Embarking on a journey toward correct laptop posture is a way to instill a wellness-centric environment for ourselves. This article will guide you through the recommended steps on how you can achieve this daily goal.

What is the best posture for working on a laptop?

With insistent push notifications and constant email alerts, our laptops have become our reliable work partners. But just like our human colleagues, there's an optimal way to cooperate with them.

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Promoting an ergonomic workstation setup cultivates neutral postures. It ensures bodily harmony with the neck aligned in sync with the spine--not leaning or thrusting forward. Smarter workspace design, such as that provided by Desky's range of adjustable sit-stand desks, can play a significant role in facilitating this.

Your back should be tranquil yet supported with your shoulders unwavering, not hunched or rounded. For a deeper understanding, you could benefit from reading our guide on achieving the best posture when sitting at a desk.

Keep your elbows located near the body, and always curved at an angle, ranging from 90 to 120 degrees. Your wrists and hands should remain straight, neither curved nor bent.

Where should my laptop be positioned?

The position of your laptop is a critical aspect of maintaining your physical wellness while working. To work comfortably and efficiently on your laptop, you should raise the screen to eye level by using a laptop stand or a stack of books.

Use an external keyboard and mouse and sit in an ergonomic chair that allows you to adjust the height and armrests such as Desky Pro + Ergonomic Chair.

Finally, take frequent breaks to stretch and move around. This will prevent muscle fatigue and stiffness, and improve blood circulation.

What is the best position for a laptop screen for your neck?

The secret to neck comfort in the digital workspace is one word: adjustment. Allow the height of your monitor to minimise prolonged neck flexion and extension.

Given that our natural sight falls roughly 15 degrees below eye level, it’s necessary to organize your laptop screen, so that the peak viewing area is at or slightly below your eye level.

If you're using a monitor and a laptop at the same time, refer to our article, How Do I Arrange My Laptop and Monitor?

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What is the correct ergonomic position for a computer?

Your computer screen should be nestled directly in front of you, falling directly behind your keyboard, no more than an arm's reach away from your gaze. Keep the monitor within a distance of 20 to 40 inches.


Achieving the correct posture for laptop use is a journey, not only toward enhancing productivity but also to ensuring a wellness-oriented workspace. The human body was not designed for prolonged periods of stillness – movement acts as a catalyst in helping your body stay healthy. Next time you're with your laptop, remember these guidelines for optimal bodily harmony.

Ensure you get up and stretch periodically and consider the use of ergonomic furniture from pioneer brands such as Desky. Desky offers a wide array of ergonomic solution to improve your daily workflow and, subsequently, your health.

By incorporating these lessons, we each can play our part in promoting a healthier, more comfortable work environment, without compromising on efficiency or productivity. The path toward achieving this ergonomic ideal begins with awareness & making consistent proactive choices to maintain this necessitated balance.

Whether you're a veteran laptop user or recently transitioned to remote work, let's make the commitment to periodically assess and improve our postures, for the sake of our health and productivity.

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