What is the correct posture of sitting at the computer?

Welcome to the exploration of the proper way to sit at your workstation. As ergonomic experts from Desky.com, we are all about providing the necessary information to facilitate an optimal and healthy workstation experience.

We dive into the appropriate sitting posture for typing, the apt way to position ourselves in the computer room, and the right posture when using different digital devices. Let's get started.

How can I correct my posture while sitting at my desk?

Optimizing seated posture underpins the balance between comfort and productivity at your desk. To achieve this, start by aligning the body in a vertical line from the head to the spine down to the base. Positively, this alignment reduces strain on your body, particularly on your back and neck.

Of noteworthy importance, make sure your chair and desk suit your body size and workstyle. Using ergonomic furniture such as that from Desky, can help you maintain this posture more comfortably. For optimal positioning, refer to the guide to achieving the best posture when sitting at a desk.

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What is the correct sitting posture for keyboarding?

Keyboard positioning plays an essential role in maintaining proper posture. It should be set at a level where your elbows remain flexed at roughly 90 degrees and adjacent to your body.

Many cutting edge keyboards and keyboard trays feature built-in wrist supports to keep your wrists almost straight and neutral position, ideal for resting your wrists occasionally.

Siting posture clues:

  • Elbows flexed at about 90 degrees and close to your body.
  • Use wrist supports for occasional rests.

How should we sit in the computer room?

Siting arrangements in computer rooms require special consideration to ensure ergonomic and efficient working conditions. It's key to allow adequate space between workstations to avoid crowding and facilitate free movement.

Furthermore, natural lighting should supplement adequate artificial lighting to reduce eye strain. Case in point, the principles of ergonomics apply substantially although you are in a computer room setting. An ergonomic guide to sitting at a computer can provide more detailed insights.

Which is proper posture when using a desktop laptop or table?

Regardless of the device—desktop, laptop, or tablet—adopting correct posture remains paramount. Aim for good posture with a straight back, feet flat on the ground, and legs bent at a 90-degree angle.

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Adjust the height of your chair to achieve these parameters, if need be. Your digital device should sit at eye level and place the mouse within easy reach to avoid over-stretching.

Key takeaways for correct posture:

  • Feet flat on the floor
  • Legs at a 90-degree angle
  • Computer at eye level
  • Mouse within easy reach


To wrap this up, proper posture while using a computer not only optimises comfort but also boosts efficiency and productivity. By meticulously observing these ergonomic guidelines, you stand to experience a better workstation experience.

Utilising height-adjustable standing desks could add a positive dimension in keeping your body moving. Remember, using reputable ergonomic furniture like Desky's can make a noticeable difference in achieving the correct posture. Here's to working smart, comfortably and healthily!

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