Is it ergonomic to have a keyboard tray?
Striving for workplace comfort and increased productivity, we often engage ourselves with the question, "Is it ergonomic to have a keyboard tray?" The answer is nuanced and can vary depending on a few factors such as desk design, user height, and the type of work that you do.

What are the drawbacks of keyboard trays?

Keyboard trays do bring about some challenges. One of the main drawbacks is restricted leg room. Trays embedded under the desk often compromise knee space, especially when they are large in size.

A significant downfall for tall individuals as the lack of leg space can lead to discomfort and even lower back pain from sitting at desk. Findings by the Mayo Clinic strongly emphasize the importance of a well-arranged workstation where individuals can maintain a comfortable posture.

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Should standing desk have a keyboard tray?

Interestingly, keyboard trays prove advantageous when incorporated with adjustable standing desks. The combined flexibility of a moveable desk surface, and an adjustable management of monitor and keyboard height cultivates an ergonomically comfortable environment.

This configuration helps to maximize healthy posture and minimizes the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, as suggested by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Why don't desks possess keyboard trays anymore?

With the evolution of desk designs, there's less need for separate trays. Many modern desks facilitate ideal placement for keyboards and mice without the addition of a tray.

Furthermore, several studies hint that trays may not always endorse the optimum ergonomic position for typing, as trays can limit leg movement and induce unwarranted wrist angles. Opting for an L-shaped or corner desk may provide a more ergonomic setup without the need for a keyboard tray.

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Is it ergonomic to have a keyboard on a lap?

Utilizing a laptop on your thighs is ergonomic under certain conditions. Uphold an upright posture. Let your arms rest comfortably on the sides with your elbows bending at 90-degree angles and keeping your wrists straight.

Adjust the screen to prevent downward strain on your neck. These adjustments can assist in maintaining a healthy posture.


To wrap it up, the question "Is it ergonomic to have a keyboard tray?" doesn't yield a universal answer. It's dependent on desk design, personal preferences and the nature of work. Trays may limit leg space but pair well with adjustable standing desks.

Modern desks often don't require trays and having a keyboard on your lap can be ergonomic with the right posture. Remember, the ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy posture and avoid work-related discomfort.

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