Is a under desk footrest worth it?

Are you pondering the need for an under desk footrest? An often overlooked but critical aspect of ergonomic office setup, let's delve into the significance of a footrest.

Do I need a foot rest under my desk?

If your feet don't rest comfortably flat on your office floor while maintaining a perfect posture to execute your office tasks, an under-desk footrest becomes essential. Ideally, you should be able to sit with your arms parallel to your desk, promoting efficient typing and scrolling. A footrest is the ideal accessory to help you attain this comfortable, stress-free position.

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What's the point of a foot rest?

In essence, a footrest enhances your sitting posture by easing the strain on your lower back. It significantly lightens the burden your legs and feet endure by offering a resting base, facilitating a relaxed leaning or perching posture. This footrest advantage effectively improves the overall ergonomic experience in your workspace.

What is the best height for a foot rest under a desk?

A footrest's optimum height largely depends on your personal comfort. Typically, the elevation ranges between 2 to 5 inches, allowing you to rest your feet informally.

This positioning facilitates slightly downward or straight-out leg posture, maintaining open angles in your body. Adjustability is a key feature to look for when choosing an under-desk footrest, just like with our Desky Classic Foot Rest.

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Key Features of a Desk Footrest

  • Adjustable height to cater to different user requirements
  • Ergonomically designed to promote better posture
  • Sturdy and durable to endure prolonged use

Are footrests good for your back?

Yes, under desk footrests serve as a wonderful aid to your back. They relieve pressure on your lower back, stimulate better circulation in your legs, and minimize strain on your knees and ankles. A footrest offers your feet a stable surface, promoting ideal posture and alignment.


So, is a under desk footrest worth it? Absolutely. It not only enhances your comfort and productivity but also contributes to health by maintaining proper sitting posture and reducing strain. A comfortable work environment is just a footrest away!

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