How to create an eco friendly home office

A 2023 consumer survey by NielsenIQ revealed that more than three quarters of US consumers say it is important to live a sustainable lifestyle. This has risen significantly from less than six out of 10 five years ago, and has coincided with the sharp upturn in people working and studying from home since the events of 2020 and 2021.

It should come as no surprise, therefore, that most householders want to take an eco-conscious approach to home office design. This encompasses everything from the materials they choose for office furnishings (like our FSC certified stand up desk range) to energy-efficient lighting to creating a workspace that enhances the work experience by harmonizing with nature.

A sustainability-focused ethos

Millennials, those born in the 1980s and early 1990s, make up the largest adult population segment by population. This is also the generation that is most likely to pursue hybrid working practices. In other words, a high proportion of the people looking to design or improve a home office fall within the millennial generation. 

This is important because millennials have very different aspirations and priorities compared to those who came before them. The 2024 Deloitte Gen Z and Millennial survey found that environmental sustainability, a healthy work/life balance and health/wellness were all in the top five priorities.

Author and academic Fredda Herz Brown described millennials as the entitlement generation. This was not meant as a slur, but in the sense that this generation has been spared the austerity in which older generations were raised and therefore sees the material things for which they worked so hard as automatic entitlements.

Millennials are less driven by wealth and possessions than their parents or grandparents were at the same age. 

Sustainable thinking for office design

So where does this come into home office design? Taking an eco-first approach checks many of the boxes that matter to todays 30-something adults. 

  • Using sustainable materials like wood and eco-friendly paint.
  • Choosing office furniture that is made from sustainable and responsibly sourced materials.
  • Making optimum use of natural light for improved wellbeing and to reduce energy consumption.
  • Using low-energy office equipment such as LED lighting and a laptop or tablet instead of a PC
  • Establishing paperless working practices
  • Incorporating plants into the office design

Approaching eco-friendly office design from different angles

We’ve sought input from experts across a diverse range of areas and asked them to share their knowledge and advice about creating a home office that delivers a productive working environment while having a minimal impact on the environment. 

What are the most important factors to consider when designing an eco-friendly home office?

I recommend focusing on the following six areas:

  1. Use furniture that is made from renewable and responsibly sourced materials. Wood is a perfect example.
  2. Cultivate energy-saving habits.Avoid using light bulbs and electronics because they can be a massive drain on our energy and resources. We should also make sure we turn off the lights and computers when we leave our home office and not even leave them plugged in. 
  3. Introduce plants into your workspace. Plants can create a healthier workspace for you while also improving the air quality in the room.
  4. Aim to achieve a paperless office. As well as helping the environment, it will save you time and increase your productivity.
  5. Remember and implement the 5Rs: Reduce, reuse, recycle, repair, and refuse.
  6. Adopt a minimalist mindset. This mindset means getting rid of all the clutter and making sure that your workstation is clean often.

Jacky Xu, Chief Operating Officer at Maid Sailors

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What are the biggest barriers to implementing sustainable home office practices?

The biggest barrier is a lack of knowledge about sustainable working practices. This leads to people pushing sustainability down the priority list, a phenomenon that is exacerbated if there is a lack of underlying commitment, which I would say is the second barrier.

The third is a perception that sustainable practices mean extra cost and investment, even though the reverse is often true, as adopting a sustainable mindset typically reduces energy costs, leading to financial savings.

Jamie Johnson, co-founder of FJP Investment

What are the most eco friendly materials for a home office?

The environmental impact a piece of furniture will have depends on what happens at the beginning of its life cycle during the design process. Creating sustainable office furniture all starts with first choosing sustainable materials. Choosing products made from renewable materials like wood, bamboo and wool or sustainable metals is an excellent place to start.

But recycled materials are always going to be more sustainable than fresh materials. And as manufacturers and designers continue to put sustainability at the forefront of the design process, we can expect to see more innovative sustainable materials being used in future design and more carbon-neutral products being produced.

Dave Revis, Head of Marketing at IE

Why is natural light important to eco office design?

Optimizing natural light usage in buildings can cut energy consumption by up to 40%. Less reliance on artificial lighting means a significant reduction in energy consumption and, consequently, greenhouse gas emissions.

This directly contributes to combating climate change and promotes the development of green buildings. Beyond its energy benefits, it positively impacts the health and well-being of occupants. Natural light helps reduce eye strain and headaches, enabling employees to stay focused and energetic throughout the day.

Armelle Le Bihan, Founder & CEO of GBCE

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