What desks do pro players use?

A player’s desk can impact gaming performance significantly. It's not just about looks. The right desk plays a critical role in comfort, concentration, and ultimately, gaming success. So, have you ever wondered: What desks do pro players use? Let's delve in.

What gaming desk do pros use?

There is no definitive answer to what gaming desk pros use, as different gamers may have different preferences and needs. However, some common features that many gaming desks have are:

  • Stability and durability: A gaming desk should be able to support the weight of your gaming equipment and withstand the wear and tear of frequent use. Some gaming desks are made of metal, wood, or bamboo, which are strong and sturdy materials.
  • Ergonomics and adjustability: A gaming desk should be comfortable and ergonomic for your posture and health. Some gaming desks are height-adjustable, which allows you to switch between sitting and standing positions.
  • Space and storage: A gaming desk should have enough space for your gaming monitors, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and other accessories.
  • Style and aesthetics: A gaming desk should match your personal style and gaming setup.
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What desks do streamers use?

Streamers use different types of desks depending on their preferences, budget, and space. Some of the features that they look for in a desk are space, functionality, shape, quality, and ergonomics.

For example, some streamers prefer a standing desk with a magnetic cable management system and a full-sized mouse pad. Others opt for a budget-friendly L-shaped desk to fit their room layout and optimize viewing angles. Some streamers also like a premium standing desk with an ergonomic design and a curved edge for comfort.

What is the best gaming hobby desk?

Excellent hobby desks stand on three pillars - functional, customizable, and enduring. Our top pick is the Desky Dual Ergo Edge Sit Stand Desk. This versatile desk caters to both serious gaming sessions and quieter hobby times.

Its electric height adjustability and dual motor design ensure smooth transitions, prioritising your comfort throughout the gaming process. See how one user benefited from our Desky Dual in this review.

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What shape of desk is best for gaming?

Desk shape largely depends on the gaming environment and setup. For corner spaces and expansive gaming systems, L-shaped gaming desks rule. Why? They optimise space and accommodate larger gaming rigs, particularly beneficial for dual monitors or ultra-wide monitor setups.

If you're considering this style, Desky's L-shaped and corner desks could be the perfect fit. The massive ones have gained momentum due to the accessibility of such expansive setups. For a comprehensive guide on How to Set Up A Good Gaming Desk, visit us here.


Choosing the right desk plays a pivotal role in any gamer's success, whether that gamer is a pro, a streamer, or a hobbyist. The desk needs to be a blend of functionality, comfort, and personalized to your gaming needs.

Our Desky Dual Ergo Sit Stand Desk is one shining example in their respective categories as well as our L-shaped desks provide an optimal solution for space usage. Equip yourself with a quality desk and take your gaming to new heights.

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