Should I get wheels for my standing desk?
In the ever-evolving world of office ergonomics, standing desks prove to be a mainstay. But there's more to a standing desk than mere height adjustability. An important consideration is the mobility of the desk. Hence, the question we will address today: Should I get wheels for my standing desk?

Understanding the 20 8 2 rule

When considering the utilization of a standing desk, it is essential to comprehend the 20 8 2 rule. This rule, put forth by Cornell University's Professor of Ergonomics, Alan Hedge, promotes a balanced working pattern.

For every thirty-minute period, 20 minutes should be reserved for sitting, 8 for standing and the remaining 2 should involve movement. This variation in posture helps combat the pitfalls of sedentary work, making standing desks—with or without wheels—a smart choice.

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Considerations when purchasing a standing desk

When procuring a standing desk, decision-making extends beyond the base feature of adjustability. Aspects such as:
  • Desk stability
  • Range of height adjustment
  • Speed and noise of adjustment
  • Desk size
  • Additional features, such as wheels

must be considered. Wheels provide mobility and flexibility, proving advantageous, particularly in dynamic workspace environments. On the downside, added mobility can sometimes compromise stability. How to pick the right standing desk for you is detailed in this handy guide.

Standing all day: Myth vs Reality

The timeless adage "Too much of a good thing..." holds true for standing desks as well—and we're not talking about the wheels yet. While it has been proven to counter the negative effects of sitting for prolonged periods, continuous standing invites its own health risks.

Those regularly on their feet for lengthy durations could corroborate this. Hence, moderation is key, and the 20 8 2 rule becomes imperative.

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Downsides of a standing desk

Despite their myriad benefits, standing desks are not without flaws. Following are some potential drawbacks:
  • Can be uncomfortable when used improperly or excessively
  • Might result in leg, foot, or knee discomfort
  • Non-adjustable models may not facilitate sitting
  • Can be more expensive than regular desks

These, however, are mitigated with proper use and adherence to best ergonomic practices. When considering wheels, benefits typically outweigh concerns for most users. The added mobility can facilitate collaborative work, space optimisation, and easy maintenance.

If you're considering one for yourself, our lockable desk casters are designed specifically for stability with sit-stand desks, providing stability even when the desk isn't in motion.


The design of your workspace, your level of comfort, and your usage patterns should all play a role in your decision to choose wheels for your standing desk. The 20 8 2 rule accentuates the benefits of a standing desk when used correctly.

But standing ponderously in perpetuity is not recommended, despite the convenience of wheels. Hence, if mobility is fundamental to your workspace experience, wheels can indeed add to a more ergonomic and flexible work ambience.

However, one should ensure they do not compromise on stability—a key aspect of safety and productivity.

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