Is 36 inches too high for a desk?

In ergonomic theory, finding the perfect desk height is of interest. However, is it possible that 36 inches could be too high for a desk? This in-depth response aims to demystify desk heights, revolving around the key question: Is 36 inches too high for a desk?

What is the ideal height for a desk?

Height plays an essential role regarding desk specifications. Various factors, such as the user's height, the type and size of devices used, and task requirements, significantly affect ideal desk height.

According to the Cornell University Ergonomics Web, the standard desk height for someone between 5'8" and 5'10" lies at around 28 inches. This can be fine-tuned using our Desk Height Calculator. However, individual preferences and needs may require modifications.

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Is 32 inches too high for a desk?

Standard desk height fluctuates between 30 and 32 inches, based on most furniture design guidelines. Nonetheless, this desk height might not provide ideal typing comfort, potentially necessitating additional elements such as a keyboard tray.

For instance, a desktop of 31 inches combined with a keyboard tray situated at 27 inches might suit some users better, optimizing ergonomic alignment.

Is 35 inches too high for a desk?

In shared workspaces accommodating individuals of varying heights, adjustable tables like our Height Adjustable Standing Desks become an attractive solution. Ideal sitting height ranges from 22 to 33 inches, but a 5 inch height range (25–30 inches) should suffice as a basic provision.

On the other hand, for those preferring standing desks, an optimal height lies within the 35-47 inch range, with a minimum adjustable range between 38 and 42 inches. Thus, a 35-inch high desk might be a valid choice depending on users' needs and preferences, especially for standing activities.

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Can my desk be too high?

The short answer to this question is yes—your desk can indeed be too high. Excessive desk height can lead to discomfort in your shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands due to unnatural body positioning.

Conversely, an extremely low desk might prompt users to lean forward excessively or reach forward to use the keyboard or mouse, which might be obstructed by the armrests of the chair. Striving for an ergonomically friendly workstation should be about finding the perfect balance between discomfort and functionality.


Ergonomics is a vital consideration when determining the best desk height, particularly in terms of comfort and productivity. While a 36-inch desk might seem excessive for many users, this height could be perfect for specific needs—the world of ergonomics isn't one-size-fits-all.

Therefore, it's crucial to consider individual needs, tasks, and body dimensions when choosing a desk. Whether you need a height-adjustable table or an addition of peripheral equipment like a keyboard tray, focusing on comfort and health can lead to a more pleasant and productive work environment.

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