How can I work at my desk without back pain?
As more of us find ourselves in desk-bound roles, one highly recurring question is, how can we mitigate back pain resulting from prolonged sitting? At Desky, we believe this need not be a workplace norm, and in this article, we explore some viable solutions for you.

How to work a desk job with lower back pain?

Our bodies were built to move; staying in one position for extended periods can lead to musculoskeletal issues, including lower back discomfort. But what if our employment requires hours at the desk?

Even though your job may require sedentary work, incorporating frequent, short breaks to stand and stretch can aid in keeping back pain at bay. This strategy, known as microbreaks, is proven effective in reducing discomfort associated with prolonged sitting.

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Try Using a Standing Desk

Standing desks are another great solution. They allow you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout your workday, relieving undue stress on your lower back.

Furthermore, these ergonomically designed desks create a balanced work environment, contributing positively to your overall wellness. To select the most appropriate standing desk for your needs, you may wish to read our guide on how to choose a standing desk.

Curious if you can request a standing desk on your job? Read our article of the same name here. 

How do I deal with back pain from desk job?

Unfortunately, once back pain starts creeping in, it can be challenging to manage. Encouraging a neutral spine position can alleviate this issue by keeping the body in a relaxed, natural alignment.

You can achieve this balance through ergonomic chairs designed to provide adequate lumbar support, ensuring that your back's natural curve is maintained to reduce strain significantly.

Additionally, utilizing standing desks or adjustable work surfaces can help maintain proper posture, thereby minimizing back pain.

How can I sit for long hours without back pain?

Comfortably enduring long hours of sitting is achievable if you observe the essential office ergonomics fundamentals. These include:

  • Ensuring your behind sits flush against the back of your chair.
  • Employing a cushion to promote a slight arch in your lower back, discouraging any slumping as your energy levels drop during the day.
  • Consider reading why standing desks could be better than sitting for less strain on your back, making your long work hours more comfortable.

How should I set up my desk to avoid back pain?

A proper desk setup plays a tremendous role in preventing back and neck discomfort. Fundamental factors to consider include the depth and height of your desk.

A suitable desk is one that supports your forearms adequately; your elbows should not be left suspended. Read on how to use a standing desk correctly for more insights on reducing tension in your muscles, making you comfortable and less prone to back pain.

Position Your Monitor Correctly

In addition to your desk setup, monitor placement is also key. The top line of text on your screen should be at or slightly below eye-level. This placement will keep your neck and shoulders relaxed while reducing eye strain.

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Keyboard and Mouse Positioning

Position your keyboard and mouse close to each other and ensure your wrists are straight when typing or using your mouse. This positioning reduces strain on your nerves and can help prevent conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.


Our jobs may demand we be desk-bound, but back pain need not be an occupational hazard. Through implementing appropriate breaks, maintaining proper posture, utilizing ergonomic furniture, and creating an ideal desk set-up, you can enjoy relief from back pain.

Remember, when it comes to sustaining a healthy back, small changes can make a world of difference. And at Desky, we are committed to helping you create a workspace that supports not just your productivity, but your wellbeing too.

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